24 April: A not so happy morning

 Before reading this: please keep in mind that this blog is mostly intended for myself, I would like to be able to read back on my thoughts and feelings in a year or so from now. I thought about posting this, but I think it’s an important part of the “journey”. 

I turned on my phone after breakfast to find a message from Birger saying he had an eventful night and to call him as soon as I could.  
Perth went into COVID lockdown at midnight (because they’ve had one case - this may seem slightly unusual to all non- Australians, but that?s why we are doing so well here- one case, everyone stays home, they contact trace over the weekend, things are (usually) back under control) and if he flies into Perth today, he?ll be in the middle of the lockdown zone and will have to isolate in a hotel for at least 3 days or until further notice. Based on what has happened in other places, like Melbourne, there is obviously a risk that he could get stuck for a very long time... 

So, his flight is rescheduled to early next week, and we are hoping for the best. 

But this also means he won’t meet me at the end of the track tomorrow. I have been looking forward to seeing him for the last month and I have had this image in my mind of us walking the last couple of hours together and having him with me by my side when I finish. We have finished every long walk, every hike, every mountain we’ve climbed over the last 20 years together- sometimes after a week of walking single trails. But we always walk across the “finish line” or the summit (or onto the car park) together. 
I feel like I don’t have anything to walk towards any longer- I loved walking the trail, but I have also put in some huge and exhausting days with the goal of finishing tomorrow so we could walk the last bit together. And that has driven me towards where I am now. 
Now I will be walking into Albany like any other track town. 

This morning is the first time I actually feel lonely and the first time I shed some tears. 


  1. So sorry to read this Julia. I was wondering how the Perth lockdown affected Birgers arrival. Hope your reunion is all the more sweeter for this setback.
    Well done on finishing..


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